
The Oregon Poetry Association is proud to announce our annual conference, in-person on October 4-5, 2024 at the Agate Beach Inn in Newport, Oregon

Join us to write Lines in the Sand. 

We’ll connect over workshops, listen to keynotes, and gather together in community. Online participation is also available. 


To reserve your hotel, please use this link: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.38154.html?groupId=2N5BM5V5

Conference Schedule

Friday, October 4, 2024

Conference Check-in Opens at 4PM

Cocktail Hour: 5-7PM

Open Mic and Slam Winner/UO/Contest Winners: 7-9PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Breakfast: 7-8AM

Opening Keynote: 8AM

Workshops 1A & 1B: 8:45-9:45AM

Workshops 2A & 2B: 10-11PM

Lunch: 11:30-12:30PM

Workshops 3A & 3B: 1-2PM

Workshops 4A & 4B: 2:30-3:30PM

Annual Meeting & Closing Keynote: 4-5PM

We can't wait to see you at the beach!


The Oregon Poetry Association is proud to announce our annual conference, in-person on October 4-5, 2024 at the Agate Beach Inn in Newport, Oregon

Join us to write Lines in the Sand. 

We’ll connect over workshops, listen to keynotes, and gather together in community. Online participation is also available. 


To reserve your hotel, please use this link: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.38154.html?groupId=2N5BM5V5

Conference Schedule

Friday, October 4, 2024

Conference Check-in Opens at 4PM

Cocktail Hour: 5-7PM

Open Mic and Slam Winner/UO/Contest Winners: 7-9PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Breakfast: 7-8AM

Opening Keynote: 8AM

Workshops 1A & 1B: 8:45-9:45AM

Workshops 2A & 2B: 10-11PM

Lunch: 11:30-12:30PM

Workshops 3A & 3B: 1-2PM

Workshops 4A & 4B: 2:30-3:30PM

Annual Meeting & Closing Keynote: 4-5PM

We can't wait to see you at the beach!


The Oregon Poetry Association is proud to announce our annual conference, in-person on October 4-5, 2024 at the Agate Beach Inn in Newport, Oregon

Join us to write Lines in the Sand. 

We’ll connect over workshops, listen to keynotes, and gather together in community. Online participation is also available. 


To reserve your hotel, please use this link: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.38154.html?groupId=2N5BM5V5

Conference Schedule

Friday, October 4, 2024

Conference Check-in Opens at 4PM

Cocktail Hour: 5-7PM

Open Mic and Slam Winner/UO/Contest Winners: 7-9PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Breakfast: 7-8AM

Opening Keynote: 8AM

Workshops 1A & 1B: 8:45-9:45AM

Workshops 2A & 2B: 10-11PM

Lunch: 11:30-12:30PM

Workshops 3A & 3B: 1-2PM

Workshops 4A & 4B: 2:30-3:30PM

Annual Meeting & Closing Keynote: 4-5PM

We can't wait to see you at the beach!


The Oregon Poetry Association is proud to announce our annual conference, in-person on October 4-5, 2024 at the Agate Beach Inn in Newport, Oregon

Join us to write Lines in the Sand. 

We’ll connect over workshops, listen to keynotes, and gather together in community. Online participation is also available. 


To reserve your hotel, please use this link: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.38154.html?groupId=2N5BM5V5

Conference Schedule

Friday, October 4, 2024

Conference Check-in Opens at 4PM

Cocktail Hour: 5-7PM

Open Mic and Slam Winner/UO/Contest Winners: 7-9PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Breakfast: 7-8AM

Opening Keynote: 8AM

Workshops 1A & 1B: 8:45-9:45AM

Workshops 2A & 2B: 10-11PM

Lunch: 11:30-12:30PM

Workshops 3A & 3B: 1-2PM

Workshops 4A & 4B: 2:30-3:30PM

Annual Meeting & Closing Keynote: 4-5PM

We can't wait to see you at the beach!



Begins: June 17, 2024

Ends: August 1, 2024 

Winners will be announced by mid-September 2024 and invited to read at the Conference in early October.


Please remember that if you are not a current member of OPA you must submit your entries through the Non-Member Submittable portal for them to be accepted.

Limit: one poem per category (no duplicates).

1) OREGON Poet’s Choice: one poem / two pages maximum, any subject, any form. Entrant must have current Oregon mailing address

Judge: Lana Hechtman Ayers

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Poets Choice-The Waste Land


2) Members Only: one poem / one page maximum, any subject, any form. Entrant must be a current OPA member.

Judge: Amy Baskin

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Members Only-This Is Just to Say


3) New Poets: one poem / one page maximum, any subject, any form. (A new poet is someone with no more than two poems published anywhere online or in print. Self-published collections are considered published.

Judge: Pattie Palmer-Baker

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: New Poets-Me and Maloney


4) Form—Prose Poem: one poem / one paragraph / 250 words maximum (title/epigraph separate), any subject. 

Judge: Rana Tahir

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Prose Poem-Mystery and Solitude in Topeka

5) Theme—The Coast: one poem / one page maximum, any form on the subject. 

Judge: Tom Hogan

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: The Coast-Dover Beach


OREGON Poets Choice: 1st place $150; 2nd place $100; 3rd place $70; 3 Honorable Mentions

All other categories: 1st place $100; 2nd place $70; 3rd place $50; 3 Honorable Mentions

All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be published on OPA’s website and in Verseweavers, OPA’s annual print anthology, and may be included in an OPA newsletter or social media posting.


OPA members: Flat rate of $8 for up to five poems (limit one poem per category).

Non-members: Flat rate of $15 for up to four poems (limit one poem per category).



Entries must be submitted via Submittable by August 1, 2024, 11:59pm PST, at which time poems will be made available to the judges.

CONTEST GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, AS MANY HAVE CHANGED FROM PRIOR YEARS. (Entries not in compliance with these guidelines will be disqualified; entry fees non-refundable.)

1. Poems entered must be entrant’s original work, unpublished online or in print, and may not have been a prior winner in any contest. Self-published books/collections, blogs, social media, and personal website postings are considered published.

2. Poets may only submit one poem per category.  Page limits are one page for all categories except Oregon Poet’s Choice which has a two-page limit and the Prose Poem category which has a word count limit of 250 words.

3. If entering multiple categories, each poem must be submitted in a separate document. The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Poets Choice-The Waste Land; Members Only-This Is Just to Say; New Poets-Me and Maloney; Prose Poem-Mystery and Solitude in Topeka; The Coast-Dover Beach.

4. Submit poems in 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins. Format as .doc or .docx. No PDF files.

5. At the top of each poem, identify the category. For Prose Poems, identify category and word count.

6. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but if a poem is accepted elsewhere, entrant must notify OPA immediately and withdraw the poem via a Submittable message.

7. Poet’s name/contact information should NOT appear anywhere on the poems entered or in file names. Poems are read blind.

8. Online submissions only at https://opa.submittable.com. 

9. If you join OPA at the time you enter, you are eligible for the Member rate and the Members Only category. 

10. Poems may not be edited and re-submitted. Submission is final.

11. Members may submit up to five poems (four, if a non-resident of Oregon), limited to one poem per category.

12. Non-members may submit up to four poems (three, if a non-resident), limited to one poem per category.

13. Non-residents of Oregon may submit up to four poems (three, if a non-member), limited to one poem per category.

14. OPA claims first North American Rights to winning poems. All rights revert to author upon print publication in Verseweavers. OPA reserves the right to use prizewinning poems on the OPA website, membership forms, etc. If a poem is subsequently reprinted, please acknowledge OPA and Verseweavers as the original publisher.



Begins: June 17, 2024

Ends: August 1, 2024 

Winners will be announced by mid-September 2024 and invited to read at the Conference in early October.


Please remember that if you are not a current member of OPA you must submit your entries through the Non-Member Submittable portal for them to be accepted.

Limit: one poem per category (no duplicates).

1) OREGON Poet’s Choice: one poem / two pages maximum, any subject, any form. Entrant must have current Oregon mailing address

Judge: Lana Hechtman Ayers

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Poets Choice-The Waste Land


2) Members Only: one poem / one page maximum, any subject, any form. Entrant must be a current OPA member.

Judge: Amy Baskin

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Members Only-This Is Just to Say


3) New Poets: one poem / one page maximum, any subject, any form. (A new poet is someone with no more than two poems published anywhere online or in print. Self-published collections are considered published.

Judge: Pattie Palmer-Baker

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: New Poets-Me and Maloney


4) Form—Prose Poem: one poem / one paragraph / 250 words maximum ((title/epigraph separate), any subject. 

Judge: Rana Tahir

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Prose Poem-Mystery and Solitude in Topeka

5) Theme—The Coast: one poem / one page maximum, any form on the subject. 

Judge: Tom Hogan

The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: The Coast-Dover Beach


OREGON Poets Choice: 1st place $150; 2nd place $100; 3rd place $70; 3 Honorable Mentions

All other categories: 1st place $100; 2nd place $70; 3rd place $50; 3 Honorable Mentions

All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be published on OPA’s website and in Verseweavers, OPA’s annual print anthology, and may be included in an OPA newsletter or social media posting.


OPA members: Flat rate of $8 for up to five poems (limit one poem per category).

Non-members: Flat rate of $15 for up to four poems (limit one poem per category).



Entries must be submitted via Submittable by August 1, 2024, 11:59pm PST, at which time poems will be made available to the judges.

CONTEST GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, AS MANY HAVE CHANGED FROM PRIOR YEARS. (Entries not in compliance with these guidelines will be disqualified; entry fees non-refundable.)

1. Poems entered must be entrant’s original work, unpublished online or in print, and may not have been a prior winner in any contest. Self-published books/collections, blogs, social media, and personal website postings are considered published.

2. Poets may only submit one poem per category.  Page limits are one page for all categories except Oregon Poet’s Choice which has a two-page limit and the Prose Poem category which has a word count limit of 250 words.

3. If entering multiple categories, each poem must be submitted in a separate document. The document file name should be: Category-Title, for example: Poets Choice-The Waste Land; Members Only-This Is Just to Say; New Poets-Me and Maloney; Prose Poem-Mystery and Solitude in Topeka; The Coast-Dover Beach.

4. Submit poems in 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins. Format as .doc or .docx. No PDF files.

5. At the top of each poem, identify the category. For Prose Poems, identify category and word count.

6. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but if a poem is accepted elsewhere, entrant must notify OPA immediately and withdraw the poem via a Submittable message.

7. Poet’s name/contact information should NOT appear anywhere on the poems entered or in file names. Poems are read blind.

8. Online submissions only at https://opa.submittable.com. 

9. If you join OPA at the time you enter, you are eligible for the Member rate and the Members Only category. 

10. Poems may not be edited and re-submitted. Submission is final.

11. Members may submit up to five poems (four, if a non-resident of Oregon), limited to one poem per category.

12. Non-members may submit up to four poems (three, if a non-resident), limited to one poem per category.

13. Non-residents of Oregon may submit up to four poems (three, if a non-member), limited to one poem per category.

14. OPA claims first North American Rights to winning poems. All rights revert to author upon print publication in Verseweavers. OPA reserves the right to use prizewinning poems on the OPA website, membership forms, etc. If a poem is subsequently reprinted, please acknowledge OPA and Verseweavers as the original publisher.


A beautiful book, 6" X 9," 110 contributors, 257 pages, all for $25. 

Please note that if you are a contributor you will be receiving one complimentary copy. As soon as the book is back from the printers all orders will be processed and mailed. 

Excerpt from the book:


“As an OPA board member, having read through these poems, I can attest to the quality of writing. I am amazed at the variety of subjects these poets have tackled. Some of the poems directly reflect the scourge of the virus in costs of human life and suffering. . . I also noticed that many of these poems
were celebrations, able to juxtapose the beauty of Nature surrounding us in a time of upheaval.”

Susan Morse, OPA Executive Board Member

During the pandemic we have all had ample time to write. In response to these unprecedented times the Oregon Poetry Association is publishing this Pandemic 2020 Anthology. All the poems are by OPA members. We are happy to present this stunning artistic and historic document.

While the pandemic raged, nature thrived. Spring burst into summer and wild animals roamed our backyards. We poets weeded our gardens, baked, tended our children, and wrote poetry. We observed our neighbors from afar, adjusting to the new social norms, not touching, and drawing cautious breaths behind our masks. We were lonely and fearful, furious with the slow lack of government response, though few of us reflected our frustration in our poetry.

A few months ago, wildfires swept through Oregon, burning some of our homes as well as entire communities. A pall of thick smoke blanketed our state, making it even more difficult to breathe. At the time of this publication, four hundred thousand Americans have lost their lives due to contagion. Poets in this anthology lost loved ones and wrote of their grief. We have suffered through a tumultuous political upheaval and yet we continue to write poetry.

Dale Champlin, Editor


Memberships last for one year. Thank you for supporting the Oregon Poetry Association. 


Memberships last for two years. Thank you for supporting the Oregon Poetry Association. 


Memberships last for one year. Thank you for supporting Oregon Poetry Association. 

Oregon Poetry Association